The Magpie Monks

(Beginners Class)

In order to make our journey fun, we first need an interesting and fantastic story line.

There is no better way to learn the foundations of swordsmanship than by joining our beginners team the Magpie Monks. The groups initial focus on quarterstaff is is a perfect way to get started on your amazing journey.

No experience needed.

Sunday mornings Quarterstaff class at 9:00 am.

Once you have learned your basics you are required to move up into the next level, The House of Bastards. these are dedicated beginners who are rapidly improving in martial abilities.

Once you have mastered the house of the bastards your next goal is to be accepted in the House of Usurpers. These competitors are no joke and are some of the best swords in our province and they compete regularly in large tournaments. Reaching the top spot will be very challenging yet achievable.

Fighting your way through the Usurpers will land you in the upper echelon, The House of Nobles. A mixture of instructors and medal winning competitors awaits you to become the title warlord, good luck.